

Wednesday 20 March 2013

ECO - freindly designer ?

My natural dyes have achieved perfect results, the colours are so lovely they make me want to CRY!
After soaking the berries and vegetables for 24 hours I sieved them to get rid of all the mushy fruit. I then had a practice with cold dyeing and heating the pans back up, even mixing the liquids together.
I really enjoyed the process and thinking about growing my own vegetables, fruits and plants that will dye fabric naturally to have a stock of natural dyes more readily available. I'm all for saving the environment and I think this could add that little bit more to my contribution.

Monday 18 March 2013

Natural dyes

Prompted by a competition I'm  entering I've decided I'm going to try dyeing an arran knit jumper I have felted with natural dyes. Being that the competition is focused on sustainablity and eco-freindly design. After a little research I was shocked at how bad the waste from acid and procian dyes are for our planet! - and I use them all the time.
SO.. when I decided on natural dyeing I looked into what dyes what which colour to try and match up with my colour pallette.

Strawberries and Raspberries - Pink

Blueberries - Blue

Coffee - Beige/Brown

Red cabbage - Blue

I now need to fill the pans of fruit with water. (1 part fruit and 2 parts water). Bringing to the boil, simmering for 40 minutes and leaving overnight to soak.

I'll follow up what happens tommorow :)

Friday 15 March 2013

'I'm in love with the valley of pleasure...

I'm in love with the infinite sea..'

A quick peak at some embroidery I've been working on.